Patient Success Stories
Below are just a few of the great success stories provided by patients of Lemont Natural Healthcare.
Hear a patient talk about how the ulcerative colitis that put her in the hospital has gone into complete remission after coming to Lemont Natural Healthcare!

A patient with Hashimoto’s talks about how only 8 weeks into her program she has overcome extreme fatigue, chronic pain, instability, and has lost 17 pounds!

A thyroid patient who came in for chronic fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, and who was unable to get help anywhere else talks about how much better she feels after coming to Lemont Natural Healthcare.

A patient talks about how she has been suffering from chronic fatigue, brain fog, allergies, bloating, dizziness, and Rheumatoid Arthritis for 10 years and feels great after just 7 weeks at Lemont Natural Healthcare!

A long term patient of Crohn’s disease who has tried everything else finds help at Lemont Natural Healthcare.

A patient with thyroid issues, fatigue, hair loss, Crohn’s, acid reflux, digestive issues, brain fog and acne talks about how good she’s doing now and the lack of help she received going everywhere else.

Listen to a patient talk about her success with Neuro-Metabolic thearpy at Lemont Natural Healthcare.

A patient talks about overcoming extreme dizziness and episodes of vertigo.

Diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol issues, chronic exhaustion, Autoimmune Thyroid, and arthritis all helped by her treatment at Lemont Natural Healthcare!

Listen to a patient talk about his improvments with digestion and thyroid issues.

A patient talks about his experience overcoming a lifetime of digestion and sleep issues.

Digestive issues and 5 years of not being able to lay down due to extreme vertigo completely resolved after treatment at Lemont Natural Healthcare.

A thryoid patient with extreme exhaustion and brain fog talks about the improvments she’s made at Lemont Natural Healthcare.